
This website was converted to WordPress in February 2021. If you see something that’s not working, or have a suggestion, please email Eric (eric@holcomb.com).


Welcome! – The Conder Token Collector’s Club welcomes all numismatists with an interest in the British Provincial tokens of the late 18th Century, otherwise known as “Conder tokens,” after James Conder, whose name appears on some of the tokens, and who was an early cataloger of the series. Officially, “Conder tokens” may include British and Irish tokens from 1787 to 1804.

Introduction – Probably the most popular of the English token series, Conder tokens were avidly collected 200 years ago, and are still avidly collected today. The social, economic, and political lives of the people during the 1780-1800 period are mirrored here. For a more extensive introduction to the tokens, and a more detailed history of the tokens and Great Britain at the time, click on the History button.

Club Journal & Membership

IMPORTANT! As of November 2023, the board decided to make memberships good for two journals instead of three, and the mailed paper copy rates have been revised to reflect this change. Going forward, we expect to publish two journals each year, but if not, your membership will be extended until you receive two journals.

Journal – The CTCC publishes The Conder Token Collector’s Journal about two times annually. We’re pleased to announce that beginning with issue #83, all printed copies of the journal are in color! Want to write an article? See the journal page for more information, including the suggested format.

The current issue of The Conder Token Collector’s Journal, consecutive issue #86 was mailed on February 26, 2025, with the email version on March 1, 2025, and should have arrived in members’ mailboxes (either postal and/or email depending on your subscription)! Summary – This 40-page issue has some interesting stories including a report on the annual British Token Congress, “London’s City Gates” by David Young, and “A Tale of Two Catalogues” by Gary Oddie.

The previous issue of The Conder Token Collector’s Journal, consecutive issue #85 was mailed on July 22, 2024, with the email version on July 26, 2024, and should have arrived in members’ mailboxes. Summary – This 40-page issue has some interesting stories including “Chasing Fuller – Sussex 34” by Jon Lusk and “New Lancaster Varieties” by Jeff Rock.

Sample pages from some recent editions of The Conder Token Collector’s Journal are available, and you can also view older issues on the NNP, or on this website if you have a password available to members.

For advertising information, please see the Journals page. Ads are currently available in the Journal, but not on the website.

For more information about the club and club membership, click on the About and Membership buttons. These provide membership and subscription information and explain how to pay for your membership. Don’t want to pay for printing and mailing? – Online memberships/subscriptions are available to everyone for $10 (for one year or two journals), or $5 for YNs.

Not sure about your membership status? Contact Eric Holcomb to inquire.

Community, Meetings, etc.

Google Group:
A Google group has been established (conder-tokens@googlegroups.com) to discuss Conder tokens, and this group also allows limited buying and selling. If you are on Google groups already, you can request to join directly, otherwise email your request to CTCC President Jeff Rock. CTCC membership is encouraged, but not required to join the group.

Meetings – The CTCC usually meets each summer at the ANA World’s Fair of Money®. Recent WFOM meetings included:

  • Rosemont (Chicago), Ill., on Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024, at 6 p.m. The meeting featured a talk by editor Jon Lusk, who is not only an excellent speaker, but finds some very interesting topics to discuss. Members and guests likely adjourned afterwards for dinner nearby.
  • Pittsburgh, Pa., on Thursday, Aug. 10, 2023, with a feature talk by Michael Wehner on touring the Anglesey Mines site and the Iron Bridge.
  • Rosemont (Chicago), Ill., on Thursday, Aug. 18, 2022. There was a show-and-tell of tokens and related items.
  • Similar CTCC meetings took place in Aug. 2021 after no meetings from 2016 to 2020.

Upcoming Auction Sales
All of the following companies have regular auctions of Conder tokens and related British material.
Baldwin’s (now a part of The Strand group of companies).
Frequently auctions important collections such as the Deane Collection.
Davissons Ltd. has auctions with printed catalogs, as well as E-Auctions.
Last Druid Coins – Auction II was held in Jan. 2024. See the catalog. Included tokens from Great Britain and elsewhere.
Noonans (formerly DNW) conducts frequent auctions including British and world coins, historical medals, tokens, etc.
Numismatic Auctions L.L.C. (contact Steve Davis) has sales which may include nice selections of Conder tokens, such as one ending in Feb. 2025.

For some related websites, including dealers in the US and UK, click on the Links button.

Other Club News and Information:

The CTCC welcomes club president Jeff Rocksee the club about/info page (11/16/2020).

Other Online EventsInternational Token Web Conference, 7-8 May 2022. This is not a CTCC sponsored event, and does not specifically cover Conder Tokens, but there were lectures and discussion groups on a lot of interesting topics – check it out, see for yourself, and considering registering for this annual event.

Library – For information about the club’s library, click on the Library button. There are also links to historical books available online.

CTCC privacy and data usage policy (updated May 2018).


These are now listed separately on the Articles page. Includes introductory presentations and slide shows which you are free to use at club and community meetings, plus some specific token topics.

Gary Oddie, a stalwart speaker at Token Congresses whose talks were a mix of research and humor, passed away just as issue #86 of the journal was being put together (in Feb. 2025), devastating the token community.

See the Bill McKivor memorial page. Bill was a CTCC president, founding club member, and a leading U.S. Conder token dealer, who passed away in March 2021. See the blog post, Bill McKivor site archived, with a link to much of Bill’s Copper Corner business website including photos.

See the Dr. Richard Doty memorial page. Dr. Doty was the club’s first president, and passed away in 2013.


These are now listed separately on the Videos page.

Thank you for your interest in the CTCC! If you have a suggestion or question, please email webmaster Eric H. (eric@holcomb.com) and/or CTCC President Jeff Rock.

Website updated 3/21/2025 by Eric Holcomb.