CTCC Information
Thank you for your interest in the CTCC! Founded in 1996, the Conder Token Collector’s Club (CTCC) is one of many national and international organizations for numismatists who specialize in a particular aspect of collecting and study … in this case the British provincial tokens of the 18th Century. Most CTCC members reside in either the U.S. or the United Kingdom, however there are a handful in Canada, Australia and elsewhere. The CTCC publishes The “Conder” Token Collector’s Journal about two times annually. The Fall/Winter 2022 issue was consecutive issue #83. Scans of older issues are available to members online, with a password required. Members are also eligible for free text ads in the journal.
See some sample pages from past editions of The “Conder” Token Collector’s Journal.
The CTCC is an American Numismatic Association (ANA) member club and may sometimes have a meeting at the ANA’s annual anniversary convention, the World’s Fair of Money. The CTCC has a library which may be borrowed by members in good standing. CTCC experts are available to help answer your questions about British tokens, and some members are also token dealers.
CTCC Officers & Staff
Updated April 2021.
Jeff Rock, President, PO Box 3447, San Diego, CA 92163; phone (619) 280-6737.
Jon Lusk, Vice President and Editor (appointed)
Alan Judd, Vice President International
Scott Loos, Treasurer
Dr. Gary Sriro, Publisher and Board Member
Eric Holcomb, Membership Coordinator (appointed), Board Member, Webmaster and Data Protection Officer
CTCC memberships are very affordable and are available to collectors around the world. See the membership page for details. We do not share your personal data – See the CTCC privacy and data usage policy.
Online memberships/subscriptions are now available to everyone for $10 (for one year or two journals). See the membership page.